Monday 31 May 2010

First version only for iPad

The first version of NeuroPub will only be available for iPad. This is because the iPhone version depends on iPhoneOS 4. However, I plan to release the iPhone version as soon as possible. It will be released as a universal app.

It's just a few days left before I go to Barcelona and I have to get the poster ready in good time. I need some good screenshots from the viewer, but I still have some work to do. Take a look at the screenshot below:

The idea is to have a 2x2 view, where the brain is visualised in axial, coronal, sagittal, and 3D. The viewer will come with the MNI standard brain in 2x2x2 resolution, so the requirement is that all the images that you want to view are in exactly the same field of view and resolution as the standard brain.

The images will be transferred through Apple's file sharing procedures, where you connect your iPad to iTunes and add your images to the NeuroPub app in iTunes. The viewer will only support the Nifti format, so any other image format (MINC, Analyze, etc) will have to be converted first.

More screenshots coming up soon. :)

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